Let the run-throughs begin!
So we had our first run-through of The Merry Widow last night, and many more to come through the rest of this week....I'm getting tired just thinking about it! But the show is going to be great! I had a great weekend at Maggie's - so many well-wishers and old friends were there! There were several requests for opera arias, but I didn't oblige them - instead I told them to come to The Merry Widow! Way to plug the show, eh? Of course I missed Saturday's episode of Bathroom Divas since I was singing, but hopefully I'll be home in time from tonight's rehearsal to catch it. Apparently some creative editing was done to create tension in certain situations -it sounds hilarious! Whatever it may look like on tv, we really got along quite well, and had a great time together. Well, gotta go - a long day of rehearsals lies in front of me!